What Is Subsurface Mining?

Ekansh Agarwal

Updated on:

Are you curious to know what is subsurface mining? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about subsurface mining in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is subsurface mining?

Subsurface mining is a method of extracting minerals and ores that are located deep beneath the earth’s surface. This mining technique involves drilling vertical or horizontal shafts into the ground and then excavating minerals and ores from the underground layers. In this blog, we will explore what subsurface mining is, how it works, and its advantages and disadvantages.

What Is Subsurface Mining?

Subsurface mining is a mining technique used to extract minerals and ores that are located deep beneath the earth’s surface. This mining method involves drilling vertical or horizontal shafts into the ground to access the underground mineral deposits. Once the mineral deposit is reached, miners excavate the ore or mineral using specialized equipment.

Subsurface mining can be used to extract a wide range of minerals and ores, including coal, copper, gold, silver, and diamonds. However, it is often used to extract minerals that are located in hard rock formations and are difficult to access through other mining methods.

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How Does Subsurface Mining Work?

Subsurface mining involves several steps, including exploration, drilling, and excavation. The process begins with exploration, where geologists identify potential mineral deposits by analyzing geological data and conducting surveys.

Once a potential mineral deposit is identified, mining companies will use drilling equipment to create vertical or horizontal shafts into the ground. These shafts are then reinforced with materials such as concrete or steel to prevent collapses.

Miners will then use specialized equipment to excavate the mineral deposit, which is then transported to the surface using conveyor belts, lifts, or trucks.

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Advantages Of Subsurface Mining

  • Access To Deep Mineral Deposits: Subsurface mining allows for the extraction of minerals and ores that are located deep beneath the earth’s surface, which would otherwise be difficult or impossible to access through other mining methods.
  • Less Disruptive To The Environment: Subsurface mining has a smaller environmental footprint compared to surface mining, as it involves drilling vertical or horizontal shafts rather than removing large amounts of surface material.
  • Increased Safety: Subsurface mining is often safer for workers compared to surface mining, as they are protected from external hazards such as extreme weather conditions, landslides, and rockfalls.

Disadvantages Of Subsurface Mining

  • High Cost: Subsurface mining is often more expensive than surface mining due to the cost of equipment and the need for specialized mining techniques.
  • Environmental Risks: Subsurface mining can pose environmental risks such as groundwater contamination, subsidence, and the release of harmful gases such as methane.
  • Health Risks: Subsurface mining can also pose health risks to workers due to exposure to dust, noise, and other hazards associated with mining at depth.


In conclusion, subsurface mining is a mining technique used to extract minerals and ores that are located deep beneath the earth’s surface. This mining method involves drilling vertical or horizontal shafts into the ground to access the underground mineral deposits. Subsurface mining has advantages such as access to deep mineral deposits, less disruptive to the environment, and increased safety, but it also has disadvantages such as high cost, and environmental and health risks. Overall, subsurface mining is an important method of mineral extraction, but careful consideration must be given to its potential impacts on the environment and human health.

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What Is An Example Of Subsurface Mining?

Underground mining (or subsurface mining)

Underground mining is best suited to extract minerals that are located deep under the surface of the earth. Common minerals extracted using underground mining include gold, lead, and silver.

What Is A Subsurface Mine?

Definition. Mining beneath the surface of the earth.

How Does Subsurface Mining Work?

The five steps are to remove previously loosened material or blasted material, drilling short holes in the rock face, loading or placing explosives into the area, blasting the material, and then shorting up or support excavation. In sub surface mining there are different important steps, one of them is ventilation.

What Is Surface Mining And Subsurface Mining?

Surface mining extracts natural resources from the earth by first removing soil, rocks, and plants (called overburden) so miners can access the exposed mineral or metal deposit. Subsurface miners tunnel underground to extract natural resources, leaving the landscape above the mine intact.


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