What Is Polypeptide Monomer? 

Ekansh Agarwal

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What Is Polypeptide Monomer?  Do you know the name of the polypeptide monomer? You don’t need to search for it, because, in this article, we are going to give you all possible information about the monomer of polypeptide polymer. This information may include the structure, functions, and properties of a monomer, and in bonus, we will also mention the names of other polymers made from the same monomer unit. As in human beings, the basic unit of our body is a cell, similarly, polymers also have simple and basic units which are called monomers. By attaching one monomer to another with the help of some special bond, they make a long chain which is known as a polymer chain. Well, without more discussion let’s come to our polypeptide monomer.  

What Is Polypeptide Monomer? 

Polypeptide monomer is Amino Acids, which is a carboxylic acid-containing an aliphatic amino group in the alpha-position to the carboxyl group and with a characteristic stereochemistry. Amino acids include a group of neutral products. They are clearly differentiated from other natural compounds, chemically, mainly because of their ampholytic properties, and biochemically, mainly because of their role as protein constituents. 

There are 20 standard natural amino acids. In fact, more than 300 amino acids are found in nature but only 20 among them are standard and present in protein because they are coded by genes. The remaining amino acids are modified amino acids and are called non-protein amino acids. Even some are residues modified after a protein has been synthesized by posttranslational modifications.   

Do you know? Proteins are biosynthesized from 20 types of natural standard amino acids in a system involving strict genetic control. Thus, amino acids are also the monomers of proteins.

As the polypeptides, the lipid monomer is called the glycerol and fatty acids, the triglyceride monomer is also called fatty acids and glycerol, while the monomer of polysaccharides is called fructose, mannose, glucose, and galactose. Now, you got which monomer makes up a polypeptide? Let’s know their properties. 

Also Read : What Is Monosaccharide Monomer? 

Properties Of Polypeptide Monomer 

Here are some important properties of polypeptide monomers, 

  • A monomer of polypeptide or an Amino acid has a very high melting and boiling point.
  • A monomer of polypeptide polymer, an amino acid is a white crystalline solid substance.
  • The taste of a few amino acids is sweet and others are tasteless and bitter.
  • Most of the monomers of polypeptides are soluble in water and are insoluble in organic solvents.
  • Amino acids are nonvolatile.
  • Amino acids are soluble in water and ethanol but insoluble at the iso-electric point.
  • The solubility of amino acids depends upon the pH of the solvent and temperature.

Also Read : What Is Nucleic Monomer? 

Polypeptide Structure And Function 

You have learned about what is the monomer of polypeptide. But, what is the purpose of polypeptides? So, to know the answer, let’s know the structure and function of polypeptides.  

Polypeptide Structure 

Is a polypeptide a monomer? No, it is not a monomer but a polymer, therefore, its structure contains a long chain of monomers. The structure of polypeptide polymer is a linear sequence of amino acids. Each amino acid is connected to the next with a special bond called a peptide bond. There are 20 different types of standard amino acids also known as protein amino acids. Each amino acid has a central carbon attached to an amino group called the carboxyl group, and a variable, the R group. The R group is significant because it gives different properties to the amino acids. Some amino acids have large R groups that make a steric restriction in the polypeptide chain, while others may have acidic R groups or basic R groups.  

Polypeptide Function 

There are various functions of polypeptides in the human body. There is a peptide hormone called Vasopressin that is secreted in the hypothalamus, which is a small portion of the brain that is located at the base of the brain. Vasopressin has a couple of functions. It is responsible for regulating the amount of water present in the fluid space around the cells. To do this, the kidneys absorb water. Large amounts of vasopressin are also a vasoconstrictor, meaning they cause blood vessels to narrow, which can lead to increased blood pressure.

Facts About Polypeptide 

Here are some important facts about polypeptides, 

  • It is a biologically active substance that is associated with various cellular functions in a living body.
  • Polypeptide includes a variety of amino acids and is always involved in functional analysis, antibody research, especially drug development, and other fields.
  • Peptides possess antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antithrombotic effects, among others.
  • Peptides play a special role in vaccines.
  • Many health supplements contain peptides because of their potential health benefits.
  • Collagen is one of the peptides and it is one of the substances from skin, cartilage, and bone.

Follow Monomerof to know more about various monomers.


Is Polypeptide A Monomer Or Polymer?

Groups Of Monomers And Polymers

Proteins – polymers are known as polypeptides; monomers are amino acids.

What Is The Polymer Of Polypeptide?

A polypeptide is a polymer of amino acids joined together by peptide bonds. Etymology: Greek polýs (many) + peptide. Larger polypeptides or more than one polypeptide that occur together are referred to as proteins.

Is Protein Or Polypeptide A Monomer?

Amino acids are the monomers that make up proteins. Specifically, a protein is made up of one or more linear chains of amino acids, each of which is called a polypeptide.

What Is Called Polypeptide?

A polypeptide is a continuous, unbranched chain of amino acids joined by peptide bonds. To generate an amide, the peptide bond connects the carboxyl group of one amino acid to the amine group of the next amino acid.

What Are The 3 Monomers Of Proteins?

The molecules are possible due to the presence of carbon and its tetra valence which enables these molecules to build chains of molecules giving rise to various forms of monomers such as amino acids, nucleotides and sugar monomers.


By reading this article, you got what is the monomer of a polypeptide. Polypeptide is a polymer, which is a short chain made up of two or more amino acids. The amino acids are linked by a chemical bond called a peptide bond. Do you know? Polypeptides are mainly categorized into three types and they are dipeptides, tripeptides, and tetrapeptides. A single polypeptide chain can make up the entire primary structure of a simple protein, and when two or more polypeptides are linked together, more complex proteins are formed. Now, you have understood what is polypeptide monomer.  

Is polypeptide the monomer of protein

What is called polypeptide